Текст песни не курили пуля дура

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

И руки так не дрожат, как от выстрела
Ты видила во мне, глупого мстителя
Увидена мною была выстрелом в упор
и я нажал на курок

Залечи попробуй раны ебаная, те что ты нарезала
Рукой под юбочку сучка, даже не побрезгала,
С кем на диване вытворяла, похоти до ночи,
Знала бы мама, какая похотливая доча,
Загадка? да не на раз, два и рогатка
Кому ты в голову берешь? среди ночи сладкая.
Своим усатым, пузанам, которым хуй кусала,
Их попробуй пересчитай своей щекою зай
Ты беспардонна , сотрудник порно притона,
При том ктото ждёт дома, левую мадонну
Со своим боссом вопросы решала после ебоса,
его каприз и ты на коленочках мисс
Очнись, ведь ты по ходу обнюхалась фена
Перелетала по постелям, зубная фея,
теперь вы оба нарядные, рядом возле двери
Пуля дура, ничто не поменять прости.

And his hands do not tremble as the shot
You vidila me, stupid Avenger
Seeing I was shot at close range
I pulled the trigger

You said that our world will not destroy the system
Believed you like a prisoner of your own self-fantasies
You flowed before my eyes in dirty paws
And vryatli you pay for the one who fucks conversation
You love bucks more than the smell of lavender
The Truth Behind rubbed less than Paris and Prague
Are you a programmer living in the brains I vshili chips
and this new ?, he fucked you in your jeep?
Spires Willie love to do as well as in porn movie
Modest nice lady at night so insatiable
Tear apart the world that have you done
You see, there's probably a pitchfork, but not happy credits!
Just a drop in the sheet, this adult
Crazy news, and his boss
You love to spoil the nerves and when the top
Stikaet tush lipstick and mixed with sperm

And his hands do not tremble as the shot
You vidila me, stupid Avenger
Seeing I was shot at close range
I pulled the trigger

Try to heal the wounds fucking, those that you sliced
Hand under her skirt bitch, do not even disdain,
Somebody got up on the couch, until the night of lust,
Mom would know what lustful docha
Riddle? but not at one, two and slingshot
Who do you take in your head? middle of the night sweet .
His whiskered, Puzanov, which dick biting,
They try to take the number of their cheek Zai
You're shameless, fellow porn stash,
While waiting for someone at home, Madonna left
With his boss after ebosa issues are resolved,
his whim and you kolenochki Miss
Wake up, you're on the go sniff dryer
Flies for their beds, the tooth fairy,
Now you are both elegant, close the door
Bullet fool, nothing changed forgive .

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