Текст песни мы с тобой море мы два океана

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Зачем молчать, когда в душе полно слов
Я хочу кричать громче сотен голосов
Что мой рай, как без тебя был не живой
За неба край готов я улететь с тобой
Ведь ты мне расправила крылья, стобою я начал дышать.
Ты силы дала мне выше неба взлетать..

Как два океана мы, слились в один большой
Ты грань моей мечты и центр вселенной мой
Судьба свела нас в миг, ничем не разорвать
Безумный в сердце крик мне не унять никогда Why keep silent when the soul is full of words
I want to scream louder than hundreds of voices
What is my paradise, how without you was not alive
Over the sky, the edge is ready to fly with you
After all, you spread my wings to me, and I began to breathe.
You gave me strength to fly above the sky ..

As the two oceans we merged into one big
You are the face of my dream and the center of my universe
Fate brought us in a moment, did not break
Crazy in the heart of a cry I never daed!

Why hide when love reigns in your heart?
You are ready to love until the heart is filled with blood.
And until all the seas disappear
I'm sure that I will live only for you.
Until all the stars go out, while our hearts are beating
Fate will help us to go to the end!

As the two oceans we merged into one big
You are the face of my dream and the center of my universe
Fate brought us in a moment, did not break
Crazy in the heart of a cry I never daed!

As the two oceans we merged into one big
You are the face of my dream and the center of my universe
Fate brought us in a moment, did not break
Crazy in the heart of a cry I do not understand

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