Текст песни инкассатор rocket

Обновлено: 21.02.2025


Тексты песен / R / слова песен ROCKET / Инкассатор

Перевод текста песни Инкассатор

Исполнитель: ROCKET
Название: Инкассатор

You know, I don't need much (no-no)

To make Mom happy (mom)

My baby was near (baby)

My tracks are played on khats (facts)

Fake rewards for a fee (flex)

The guys tried-they were poisoned with poison (ou)

It's better to be rich, but where is your truth? (cash)

He will become your brother for his goals (snitch)

I take a calm down tabla, I

. on me, she's smeared (b smeared)

Thought it would not be punished (no)

At the pharmacy today, inflation (inflation)

I don't need to cling to anything (a)

I've got pride and big balls (hey)

The money's on me, she had to get naked, ha-ha-ha

(hey, baby, come on get undressed, ha-ha-ha-ha)

I have currency, ore on my teeth

I eat pharmaceuticals, I go crazy

It sounds like excitement, but I don't care so much

I make a step and get into the chart

I'm flying lap, they got up to start

Blowing up the Corsair? I blow up a joint

This money is on me - call the collector

I have currency, ore on my teeth

I eat pharmaceuticals, I go crazy

It sounds like excitement, but I don't care so much

I make a step and get into the chart

Тут же от автора ROCKET полностью слова Пролетаю lap, они встали на старт.

Отзывы о песне ROCKET - Инкассатор

Посмотрел видео на песню Инкассатор. Безмерно впечатлен группой ROCKET

хотелось бы побольше таких песен! ROCKET в том числе!

В такси услышала трек со словами …Feed your head… никто не знает что за исполнитель?

Ответ: Я думаю, что вы имели ввиду песню White Rabbit Jefferson Airplane

Голос и харизма ROCKET - это нечто конечно, столько драйва, столько энергетики.

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