Текст песни я хочу от тебя лялечку

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Хотят ловить любовь, как в детстве бабочки сочком,
какая любовь вообще, а, ты о чем? начнем.
Люблю слушать разговоры, попивать сочок,
Хочу быть никому не должным, не отдавать отчет.

Да, я не фраер и далеко не качек,
Хотя и первая была ниче, о чем я, сечешь?
Кому Чемодан, кому Словетский — «Морячек”.
Девчонкам все равно, лишь бы крепкое плече.

На меня звезды смотрят, целый отряд.
И так ярко горят, ярче фонаря.
Кто-то видит смысл жизни получая наряд,
Кто-то его видит, наряд этот даря.

Балахон на мне далеко не приталенный ,
хотя и обратное на мне видали вы.
Рука твоя в моей, в эту игру играли мы.
Лишняя трата времени эти свидания.

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Все тексты Room RecordZ >>>

1. (Misha Fint)
I do not love you like me are calling punitive,
We do not get along.
You can tell everyone that I'm a goat,
But I tell you, not all.

Want to catch the love as a kid butterfly Socko,
what love at all, but are you talking about? start.
I like to listen to conversations, sip sochok,
I want to be no one should not give the report.

Yes, I do not fraer and not kachek,
Although it was the first niche, as I sechesh?
This suitcase, who Slovetsky - "Moryachek."
Girls do not care, just to strong arm.

Do you know who this Paulo Coelho?
Answer! It's not me, but you're on my fuse.
You told me - "Well, you're the goat!"
I did not answer - did not say anything, but you understand everything

Let's be together for life. I am a fool, Misha!
We will be side by side, as in the coat mittens.
Your eyes, lips and those dimples.
I want you Lialechka!

I was watching the stars, the whole squad.
And burn so bright, brighter flashlight.
Someone sees the meaning of life to get along,
Someone sees it, giving the outfit.

Thoughts raced, slipping anchor.
I am inspired by the sunset, someone dawn.
Love. These feelings just head litter!
Are you still looking for? In vain.

Hoodie on me is not fitted,
although it back to me seen you.
Thy hand in mine, in this game we played.
Waste of time these visits.

I know how it is - "cold cold".
I know it beats, it beats stronger hammer!
I know how the old look young.
All of this - love. Love is better than gold!

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