Жека расту часики текст песни

Обновлено: 04.10.2024


Перевод текста песни Часики

Жека Расту

Исполнитель: Жека Расту
Название: Часики

Quietly ticked the clock,

Forward without interruption, although there is nothing.

Nobody without a break, and watch Chrono people.

Who wear them, I've heard a lot of stories.

One of them is that they do not take out.

Autumn lays, drives two of rain.

Winter on schedule covers the ground with a layer of snow.

Please pay attention.

Wine flowers birthday anniversary,

Something in this spirit without taste, without smell, without feelings.

It's okay, I'll be there around five.

Guests at 7: 00 so we can set the table.

Head is ready to noise the, that will,

Certainly when the table will leave,

Bottles of white.

Beat the dishes for good luck,

You know, luckily that means.

Ahead of us a fortune,

Importantly, much richer.

Time should be able to remember,

If you want to treasure it,

The clock stood up the carrier fell.

Quietly ticked the clock,

Forward without interruption, although there is nothing.

Nobody without a break, and watch Chrono people.

Who wear them, I've heard a lot of stories.

One of them is that they do not take out.

Strange mechanism who you coined,

What, why would anyone gift.

Where did you people see the Pa as the drum.

There-here gave took away,

Owed, reimbursed, have pacurar.

No not evil, ordinary wears a watch,

But with the phone looks time,

And such excuse, fingers nine.

Unlikely to explain,

Is hardly going to listen,

Such rite of passage Cyrillic speaking from ice cream.

Still call know such ale,

But as it is, and works, and clear.

All right for you glad clear.

Arrows bent,

Not wanted on belly.

Arrows that when limit,

This one didn't go in your favor.

Quietly ticked the clock,

Forward without interruption, although there is nothing.

Nobody without a break, and watch Chrono people.

Who wear them, I've heard a lot of stories.

One of them is that they do not take out.

Plotnick such bodrichek,

Here such if che.

No offense, the devil got it, sorry.

Someone's life was dedicated to,

Don't go crazy.

And go crazy on times two practices, practice.

Gaining altitude. You get boomerang.

I wonder why. Woe from wit.

You thought the buzz it's the buzz,

You thought Paradise was a dumpster.

You thought Muse was music.,

Dumb as oak ska.

The leaves are falling, leaves are yellow,

On snow white and went evenly.

City that with you my God.

Where are the feet who weave the way,

And that is not strength is not emotions, not seconds.

Сразу всплывают в памяти запоминающиеся слова автора Жека Расту песни Одна из них о том, что не вывозят.

Клип Жека Расту - Часики на ютуб

Отзывы о песне Жека Расту - Часики

Никак не могу вспомнить песню, там слова еще Let the bassline drop, let the bassline drop…

Ответ: Так это Sweet Shop Doctor P

Новый альбом Жека Расту потрясающий, теперь текст Часики не выходит из головы.

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