Текст песни тишина жека басотский

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Что в итоге заблудился я в чужом районе
Найду она сказала 100 нажми на домофоне
А ты все по кафешкам хвостиком до новых фоточек
Я на твоей странице а нажал да пару кнопочек
Любовь придумали поэты только ради вас
Это смешно но сознаю уже в который раз
У людей нормально отношения семья
А я готов на подвиги что бы потом все зря
Ты в сердце навсегда в моем где то на заднем плане
На тебя смотрел пока спала твой лик перед глазами
А мне приснился снова вечера закат
Я помню как ты была рада и как я был рад
И больше никого я так себе не подпускал
От того и жаль что проиграл я нарочно финал
А у нас и не кино будто как в рекламе
Ты прошла и я поплыл за твоими духами

Я воспевал любовь, она меня бросала
Я предавал любовь, она мне все прощала
И нет покоя сердцу, души больной поэта
Но некуда не деться, и песенка не спета

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Все тексты Жека Басотский >>>

Here we have not finished growing children
Where is the sky where the wind joy ahead
There is only the love that came up with the poets
There is only the love do not say that there is no
There is only a sense of passion that have cooled between us
There is only you and me homeless hearts
There is the silence which becomes himself
Silence in which so want to be with you
After all, you're one was with me this
I remember like yesterday the color of your eyes shiny
Or maybe you do not have it all and I had a dream
Or are you just stupid then that I fell in love
I know you give it all they are looking for men
But only a sorry you did not look for the causes
Hearth cozy warmth of our bed creaking
I'll call you but not adequate

I sang of love, she threw me
I betrayed love, she forgave me
And there is no peace heart, soul sick poet
But nowhere do not go, and the song is not sung

What is the result I got lost in a strange area
Naidu, she said 100 Click on the intercom
And you're on the tail to the new cafe fotochek
I'm on your page, and pressed a couple of buttons yes
Love poets invented just for you
It's funny but realize for the umpteenth time
People normal family relations
And I'm ready for feats that would then all in vain
You're in my heart forever somewhere in the background
You looked at your face while asleep before my eyes
And again I had the evening sunset
I remember when you were glad, and I was glad
And no one else I would not let myself
From that and sorry that I purposely lost finals
And we have not seemed like a movie in advertising
You went and I swam for your perfume

I sang of love, she threw me
I betrayed love, she forgave me
And there is no peace heart, soul sick poet
But nowhere do not go, and the song is not sung

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