Текст песни под гитару lucaveros
Обновлено: 22.02.2025
Тексты песен / L / слова песен Lucaveros / Под гитару
Перевод текста песни Под гитару
Исполнитель: Lucaveros
Название: Под гитару
Somewhere on the horizon the sails are turning white.
And caress for wave of wave of.
Light degree in the head, tanned body.
Pocket Doha dough.
Next the girl is lying, caught her yesterday.
Not sticks in my Russian nor words.
But I made it clear that I wanted to hug her.
This at night with it lova-lova.
Guitar, . Guitar, . Guitar!
Guitar, . With a guitar, e-e, give her heat.
We swim with her on a wave, on a wave, on a wave.
Her body is trapped, trapped, trapped.
We swim with her on a wave, on a wave, on a wave.
Her body is trapped, trapped, trapped.
Second Lucaveros
The wild shore, a light breeze.
I'm in a hammock barefoot, this girl is playing with fire.
The body is dark chocolate, we'll be alone
And we'll leave the whole world for later.
She drove me insane hips under Monaco.
Not sticks in my Russian nor words.
But I made it clear that I wanted to hug her.
This at night with it lova-lova.
Guitar, . Guitar, . Guitar!
Guitar, . With a guitar, e-e, give her heat.
We swim with her on a wave, on a wave, on a wave.
Her body is trapped, trapped, trapped.
We swim with her on a wave, on a wave, on a wave.
Her body is trapped, trapped, trapped.
Third Lucaveros
Her body's trapped, we're at the bottom.
She smiles at me so sweetly.
We lie together on the sand.
I'm shooting at her eyes, she's on fire.
After all, we have a new Bombay, there are no people around.
Yeah, go ahead, jump on me, it'll be okay.
Give me a wave of passion, throw the underwear off the hinges.
Take the underwear off the hinges.
Guitar, . Guitar, . Guitar!
Guitar, . With a guitar, e-e, give her heat.
We swim with her on a wave, on a wave, on a wave.
Her body is trapped, trapped, trapped.
We swim with her on a wave, on a wave, on a wave.
Her body is trapped, trapped, trapped.
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Отзывы о песне Lucaveros - Под гитару
Да что там супер, отпад… просто слов нет, замечательный голос, отличный текст Под гитару, клип вообще должен посмотреть каждый!!
почему крутую музыку пишут, а мы ее не слышым… хорошо Под гитару не пропустил!!
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