Текст песни мои грехи

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

Куплет: Young P&H
Вся жизнь как на ладони, от "серо" до "красиво"
Я делал всё как Тони, гигантский рынок сбыта
И это не мой выбор, взвесить эти кило
Начали с низов, теперь мы в Lamborgini
Лишь руки Бога осветят мне тернистый путь
В глазах Иуды не увидишь чувств
Слёзы матерей, что детей теряли в крэке
Глаза мёртвых президентов, когда считаю деньги
Всё как вчера - дьявол это ложь, я Бог простит грехи
Что тянут вниз, я не знаю, что есть жизнь без них
Новым Hublot не спасти твою душу
Когда крысы едят твой хлеб, а змеи тихо душат
Hustle утром, знаю настигнет кара
Пока ты сидел на парах, я сидел на нарах
Факультеты улиц купаются в крови
Прошу, Господь, прости мои грехи

Прости мой Бог, я не раз поддался искушению
Прошу, Господь, прости мои грехи The Boss is getting ready, the boiler is ready for you (oh no)
But I do not believe the devil, he is a noble pizdabol (and fag)
The whores are on fire, Satan wants revenge (succara)
Few people know, but he was once a Russian MS (just not that!)
Lord forgive my sins
It’s not all evil
I was hated by dad, because I had more money for daddy
I am full of affection and care, but around only rat bitches
The maximum that I will give them is hat cheese (eat!)
I'm sorry my God, I have repeatedly succumbed to the temptation
Even on top of the world I will continue to believe
There are skins everywhere that they want to make money at my expense (go fuck)
Bracelets crush hands that fed their people
Sorry for never respecting heifers
Russian rapper, like a Hindu, prays to his cow (mu-mu)
The soul is covered with darkness, tears fall on marble (cap-cap)
Supreme judge, forgive me (please), I'm guilty

Verse: Young P&H
All life at a glance, from "gray" to "beautiful"
I did everything like Tony, a giant market
And it's not my choice to weigh these kilos
Started from the bottom, now we're at Lamborgini
Only God's hands will light the thorny path for me
Judas can't see the feelings
Tears of mothers that lost children in crack
The eyes of the dead presidents when I count money
Everything is like yesterday - the devil is a lie, I God forgive sins
What pull down, I do not know that there is life without them
New Hublot can't save your soul
When rats eat your bread and snakes quietly choke
Hustle in the morning, know punish
While you sat in pairs, I sat on the bunks
Faculties of the streets bathed in blood
Please Lord forgive my sins

Forgive my God, I have repeatedly succumbed to the temptation
Please Lord forgive my sins

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