Революция в нас текст песни

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

все уже в нас
все уже в нас
все уже в нас
революция. здесь и сейчас.

все молитвы, все псалмы, сутры
и на разных языках тексты
на единой частоте звука
нам знакомы с самого детства

как торчать, но избежать укола
как вставать с колен, когда плохо
по земле бежать на руки к богу
и уйти, оставив свет в окнах

и тогда волной накроет город
тысячи огней взорвутся вместе
навсегда останется молод,
тот, кто может танцевать сердцем sound set up , the hall stood in silence
drummer sets the rhythm
and slide along the neck to the beat of your fingers
I read into the microphone rhymes

and sing about what is in each
and rain knocking on the hearts of the roof
atonement , brother , your karma
press on the pedal , let everyone hear

if you beat it so that the enemy fell
if you drink , then to heavily
and love so that the world wept
that the world will always remember -

all have in us
all have in us
all have in us
revolution . here and now .

all the prayers , all the psalms , the sutras
and texts in different languages
on a single frequency sound
familiar to us from childhood

as a stick , but avoid injection
how to get up off his knees when bad
run along the ground on his hands to God
and walk away , leaving the light in the windows

you just need to stop spending
dropping all that pulls down into the abyss
himself to say enough is enough !
kill himself by rising

and then the wave will cover the city
thousands of lights explode together
will forever remain young,
one who can dance heart

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