Песня про геннадия текст

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

Другой таракан, что зовется Серега,
Давно уж не верит ни в черта, ни в Бога.
Он пьет дихлофос из осколков стакана,
И это бодрит пруссака-великана.

"Генаха, не надо, я все понимаю,
Я, может поэтому и принимаю,
Мне, может, обидно за нашу квартиру,
За этот кусочек огромного мира.

А эти вампиры воды в рот набрали,
Ну, я их для верности Дезинсекталем
Ведь кровь у людей можно пить бесконечно,
Но надо ж с улыбкой, тепло и сердечно.

Изгрыз паразит древоточец всю мебель,
И экспорт и импорт, как будто и не был.
А моль над текстилем так прям аж смеется,
И нашим и ихним фирмам достается".

Серега ругался и лапами дрыгал,
Кричал, что покажет всем этим задрыгам,
Что снимет со всех долгоносиков скальпы,
И враз оторвет пауку педипальпы

И спичку горелую взяв, как дубину,
Серега направился к норам клопиным,
Но том неизвестно чьего сочиненья
Впечатал в обои поборника мщенья.

Ру-ду-ду In the floor broken by someone cups
Sit and talk two cockroach.
One cockroach, which is called Gennady,
The other on the mustache paws stroking

& Quot; Well che you, Serge? I see no reason,
Mr. Che you tryaseshsya? Calm down, fool!
It always has been, and always will, believe me,
While there are different beasts

Another cockroach, which is called Serge,
Long time since I do not believe in hell, neither in God.
He drinks dichlorvos from fragments of glass,
And it invigorates Prussian-giant.

& Quot; genes do not, I understand,
I can therefore accept,
I can, sorry for our apartment,
For this piece of the wide world .

After all, how many lives at the corners of parasites!
Some of the time, the other - in transit.
Both steal and shitting . & quot;
& Quot; Well, all sold & quot; - Gennady thought.

Gennady Serege splashed dichlorvos .
& Quot; Bedbugs hate - they are bloodsuckers!
I tell them: & quot; You used to give up, guys
And you do well, and people are pleased to & quot ;.

And these vampires clams,
Well, I for their loyalty Dezinsektalem
After the blood of the people can drink forever,
But should be there with a smile, warmth and heart.

And this infection - infection peddler!
Wow, wings to me - I'd finished it once,
Buzzing known as Tsokotukha,
And tries zhuzhzhanut ear.

Izgryz parasite carpenter all the furniture
Both exports and imports, as if he was not.
A mole on textiles as straight as much laughs,
And our companies and ihnim goes & quot ;.

Serge swearing and legs jerked,
Shouted that will show all of these zadrygam,
That will remove all weevils scalps
And at once the spider tear pedipalps

And the match Gorelykh taking, as a club,
Serge went to klopinym burrows,
But that is not known whose writings
Typed into the wallpaper advocate vengeance.

He was a good cockroach! 3 times
He was good, but a cockroach .

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