Знай свое место текст песни

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

[Куплет 2]
В одиночном квесте ищешь кого-то ближе к сердцу
Ты нескромная потребность
Думаешь, что это безвозмездность
С чего ты взял, что ты вообще достоин такой чести
Есть участь на всякую живность
Во всей поднебесной тебе быть пассажиром в водительском кресле
У того, кто за ширмой, контроль твоих действий
Тут череда несоответствий е-е-еrror
Что потерял в процессоре первичный протокол
Пренебрегая формулой, тебя так и тянет к чему-то инородному
В этом плане все мы роботы, все мы прокляты
Какой интерес вызовет себе подобный
Это ровный ноль, это технический дроп
И твой лиричный герой скорей всего это типичный лох
Знай своё место, сынок [Coupling 1]
Know your place, place, place
You constantly looked about it
Spring a hole, get there, and it is waiting for
And so it would be useful to know their place
Although the guy [deres?] What Persian are you, what is your motive
Curse and measles unknown for the fact that you never could conquer her
Therefore, do not care about the dance floor or ring
You beat as a fish about ice, because those don't fuck
Everything is not the case, only a hooker
After all, even the coffins sail underground
Your road is blurred, Survival or perfection on
Get used to, that's all the choice
Who did you pretend to become someone else?
If only cool, in the random industry
Snatch a piece of yourself any of the ways
Just take this rubbish here
The one who donkey here is reaporting the dignity
Tears, violence on your eyes make hell in rat
[Surprise subsoil?] Dipped, you are here in the appendage
Always and everywhere, because you do not know where your place

[Coupling 2]
In a single quest you are looking for someone closer to the heart
You are immodest need
Think I'm not
What makes you think that you are generally worthy of such honor
There is a fate for all living creatures
In all the ways you can be a passenger in the driver's seat
In someone who is shirma, your actions control
There is a series of inconsistencies E-Error
What has lost the primary protocol in the processor
Neglecting the formula, you still pull to something foreign
In this regard, we are all robots, we all cursed
What interest will cause yourself a similar
This is a smooth zero, it is a technical drop.
And your lyrical hero is most likely a typical sucker
Know your place, son

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