Жизнь хороша жизнь текст песни

Обновлено: 18.09.2024

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Все тексты Ленинград и Юля Коган >>>

Tears for Fears / Julia Kogan

Nerves rust because of steel,
Steel to hell - I got!
But I'm in boots I fill flare !
Dick break me - life is good !
. Life is good !
. Life is good !
. Life is good !

Dick ! Dick !
Dick ! Dick !
Dick ! Dick !
Dick ! Dick !

Be kind , I trim the ears!
I want to hear , but do not want to listen!
Where there is no question - there is always the answer
Fiery, as a pioneer hi !
. Pioneer Hi !
. Pioneer Hi !
. Pioneer Hi !

Dick ! Dick !
Dick ! Dick !
Dick ! Dick !
Dick ! Dick !

Come on, all together ! Come on, all together!
To have all heard our song ,
Dead Souls , in our wilderness ,
This last cry of the Russian soul !
. Russian soul!
. Russian soul!
. Russian soul!

Dick ! Dick !
Dick ! Dick !
Dick ! Dick !
Dick ! Dick !

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