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Обновлено: 22.02.2025
По милости Аллаха на общей встрече собралось более 200-студентов. В этой лекции брат Абу Умар дал полезные и важные наставления требующим знания в общем, и братьям из Дагестана в частности. Также уточнил некоторые моменты относительно прошедшего мероприятия.
A lecture delivered by Brother Abu Umar Sasitlinsky during a recent meeting in Cairo with students in Egypt.
The basis of this lecture is the Meeting of brothers from Dagestan who visited their brothers students in Egypt.
By the grace of Allah, more than 200 students gathered at the general meeting. In this lecture, brother Abu Umar gave useful and important instructions to those requiring knowledge in general, and to the brothers from Dagestan in particular. He also clarified some points regarding the past event.
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