Я горжусь арийской расой не хочу слиться с черной массой песня текст

Обновлено: 20.02.2025

Сколько ещё предстоит нам тяжёлых сражений?
Сколько ещё будет литься Арийская кровь?
Славяне строят эпоху Белых свершений
И не станет врагов на Русской земле вновь intro Injured White Wolf proudly uphill

Am Dm G Am
He passed the fire brutal war
Great Arias gave the assassins enemies odds
Wolf came to announce that people are saved

( chorus )
Am Dm G Am
How much is yet to be heavy fighting us ?
How much more blood will be spilled Aryan ?
Aryans will save his people from all the humiliations
And proud wolves climb up the mountain again

Wolf has been going on for a long time
And from the wound oozing blood Aryan
Life force leave hero
But he proudly steps forward

No strangers and will not be spared
And will not tremble proud wolf eyebrow
Aryans because rewards are not necessary
They boldly die for White people

( chorus )
How much is yet to be heavy fighting us ?
How much more blood will be spilled Aryan ?
Slavs build era White achievements
And do not become enemies on Russian soil again

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