У адыгов обычай такой песня текст

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Know my dear friend
Adygs have such a custom .
Mis Arashch, Misr Arashch
De Adygam di Habsar Arash

If the guest knock at the door,
To the guest your heart open
And give away half the house for a while
And chelibzhem treat him,
Napoi key water.
Adygs have such a custom .

Know my dear friend
Adygs have such a custom .
Mis Arashch, Misr Arashch
Da adygam di habzer arashch

If you build anew a house,
The whole village helps with labor.
You alone will not raise the log,
And for all as a fluff.
The house on the river will be joyful.
Adygs have such a custom .

Know my dear friend
Adygs have such a custom .
Mis Arashch, Misr Arashch
De Adygam di Habsar Arash

Mis Arashch, Misr Arashch
De Adygam di Habsar Arash
Know my dear friend
Adygs have such a custom .

If the daughter was born or the son,
Our glorious country is a citizen,
You press it gently to his chest,
And in the garden, plant a tree
In honor of the one who broke the rest!
Adygs have such a custom .

Know my dear friend
Adygs have such a custom .
Mis Arashch, Misr Arashch
De Adygam di Habsar Arash

Know my dear friend
Adygs have such a custom .
Mis Arashch, Misr Arashch
De Adygam di Habsar Arash

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