Текст песни зомби надо хоронить loqiemean
Обновлено: 22.02.2025
Тексты песен / L / слова песен Loqiemean / Зомби надо хоронить
Перевод текста песни Зомби надо хоронить
Исполнитель: Loqiemean
Название: Зомби надо хоронить
On the horizon, hooting crowd
Hammer and sickle stick in their heads
Bartender, get the guns out.
I wouldn't live with a sickle, and you couldn't.
Bartender, close your bar from them.
Just hurry up, I just cut off
Their hands along the way, don't get caught
Hospital under quarantine
Let the world devour what it has produced
We'll wait, we'll find a way,
But zombies need to bury
The time has passed, why another?
Just your brain - don't touch my
My mom was always the brain to drink,
But my mother told me: "Zombies should be buried" (hey)
Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey.
How calves lick hands
When they're skinned
On top of all they tolerate,
But not tolerate different (hey you! )
I have leather jackets Yes, kudos
But you're shapeless:
The suit gave stupidly rooted
Our hands portacath
But . better than yours.
You were trying to bait,
But I brains those broke (e-e-e-e)
Hospital under quarantine
Let the world devour what it has produced
We'll wait, we'll find a way,
But zombies need to bury
The time has passed, why another?
Just your brain - don't touch my
My mom was always the brain to drink,
But my mother told me: "Zombies should be buried" (hey)
Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey.
Hospital under quarantine
Let the world devour what it has produced
We'll wait, we'll find a way,
But zombies need to bury
The time has passed, why another?
Just your brain - don't touch my
My mom was always the brain to drink,
But my mom told me:
"Zombies need to, zombies need to
Zombies - buried"
Эта песня от Loqiemean также известна под названием Мама лезет мозг попить.
Смотреть клип Loqiemean - Зомби надо хоронить на youtube
Отзывы о песне Loqiemean - Зомби надо хоронить
Никак не могу вспомнить песню, там слова еще It's not that easy…
Ответ: Такое знать надо! Easy Pleasy Me Katy B.
Палец вверх, если поешь Зомби надо хоронить моей любимки Loqiemean
Эх-х, время так быстро летит, а я ведь помню когда клип Зомби надо хоронить только вышел ((
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