Текст песни запрети мне носить аирмаксы

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Этот закат, как апельсиновая корка.
Розовые облака, я мечтал о них так долго.
Чтобы как школьник - провожать тебя до дома.
А на прощанье целовать, но только щечку. Oh, my God.

Спрячемся от дождика или сломаем его к черту.
Ведь, это дождь летний. Ведь, это дождь тёплый.
Капли повисли на ресницах. Выжимаю майку,
Иду по торсу, как мужик. Ну, как обычно - знаете.

Читаешь текст или рисуешь граффити - мне до звезды,
Я хочу жадно хапать летнего сити.
Хочу сжигать на улице свободные часы.
Мы как всегда настроены, и нет причин грустить.

Мы катали, катали, катали, катали, катали,
Катали, катали валиком по стене.
Мы писали, писали, писали, писали,
Писали, писали, писали твоё имя во мне.

This sunset is like an orange peel.
Pink clouds, I dreamed about them for so long.
To like a schoolboy - to accompany you home.
And at parting kiss, but only cheek. Oh, my God.

Guys, I remember you all.
Tonu in the eyes of the beautiful languid, tomen!
I kiss on the lips of the first comers. Well, you gangsters understood.
A bottle of wine and an umbrella.

We hide from the rain or break it to hell.
After all, it's summer rain. After all, it is raining warm.
Drops hung on the eyelashes. Squeeze the shirt,
I walk on the torso, like a man. Well, as usual - you know.

You read the text or draw graffiti - I’m like a star,
I want to grab the summer city greedily.
I want to burn free hours on the street.
We are as always tuned, and there is no reason to be sad.

Forbid me from wearing airmaks. Prohibit my head to shave my head.
Bar me on the street to fight. I will still, I will love you!
Forbid me from wearing airmaks. Prohibit my head to shave my head.
Bar me on the street to fight. I will still, I will love you!

We rolled, rolled, rolled, rolled, rolled,
Rolled, rolled roller on the wall.
We wrote, wrote, wrote, wrote,
They wrote, they wrote, they wrote your name in me.

Only you! Only you one, baby,
I will give all my nikes. I will give all my banks.
I'm not going to the Mutki. I do not drive on trips.
I'm only with you, my baby.
Everything else is up to me * eddy!

What nah ** dvizhuhi? What nah ** pieces?
We watch movies with glasses. Vasya, not * bi brains!
I want to sleep with you. I want to wake up with you.
I want to know for sure, we can rise above the stars!

I'm in nike, you're in uggs. You Belong With Me.
Tell me how much you love me.
Talk to me about it!
You have bewitched the guy. You witch, I guess.

Forbid me from wearing airmaks. Bar my head with a shave.
Bar me on the street to fight. I will still, I will love you!
Forbid me from wearing airmaks. Bar my head with a shave.
Forbid me on the street to fight, I'll break you, you jerk.

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