Текст песни за речкой

Обновлено: 21.02.2025

Добрый молодец идёт, девку за руку берёт
Девку за руку берёт, за собой её ведёт
Девка с молодцем пошла, свою долюшку нашла
Am G (F Em) Over the river for the quick - green coast
Green shore , where the girl was walking
There's the girl was walking , she went to the water

She went to the water in the river so drenched skirt
The river is so drenched skirt , full of buckets scored
Full buckets scored , young man seen

Good fellow goes , the girl 's hand takes
The girl by the hand takes for a lead it
The girl with a good fellows went their dolyushku found
Am G (F Em)

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