Текст песни я сердцем весь твой а ты давай топчи стирай

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Отпусти её, любит - вернётся
На душе темно, где ты моё солнце
Хочу знать больше, хочу видеть дальше
Чтобы в следующий раз остановить на много раньше
В этом всём не виноват никто
Знаю времени куча прошло, знаю тебе всё равно
Приучила, проучила, преподала мне урок
Дала ключи от сердца, но поменяла замок
Научи, как ты, взять и забыть обо всём
О самом близком, милом и родном
Не верю до сих пор, что с нами это было
Ты всё легко удалила, а вот я не стёр
И не хватило сил достать из сердца нож
Я знаю через время ты это поймешь
Ты распалила костёр, но не тушила пожар
Чувствую печаль, прости. прощай.

Знай же, помни ты ждёт оно
Сердце моё.

Чувствую печаль, обещай хранить тепло
Обещай влюбиться и не потерять его
Обещай не выпускать из рук
Просто обещай. прости меня. прощай. I heart all yours , and you let trample , wash
If angels are crazy , why do I paradise ?!
You need a kingdom , little kingdoms
And I'm still looking for a cure from you
Why do you need one , already wear two crowns
You are a special breed , and I usually , yard
Frost and thunderstorms - is the norm of your weather
Yeah, I do not argue , you - the trump card , but not from my deck
My beautiful rose showed spikes
Cut at the root of all my dreams
You left a scar , and melted your charm
But I have to decide , I will not disturb

God! Give me the strength to understand
How so we could lose everything
Know, remember you're waiting for it
My heart .

Let her go , like - will return
On a dark soul , where are you my sun
I want to know more , I want to see more
To stop the next time a lot earlier
This is not to blame anyone over
I know a bunch of time has passed , I know you do not care
Accustomed , having studied , taught me a lesson
Gave the keys to the heart, but change the lock
Teach you how to take and forget about everything
About the closest , sweet and native
Do not believe it until now that it was us
You're easy to remove , but I have not erased
And do not have the strength to get out of the heart opener
I know over time you will understand it
You have whetted the fire, but the fire is not extinguished
Feel sad , sorry . goodbye .

I need ice, it is warmer than you think
Time heals , pass, people say
What we did not kill you makes you stronger
Spoke loved , but I do not believe
I was ready to save you from the fire
And you do not care about me, to put it mildly
Hell will freeze faster than you'll be good to me
Enough is enough! Do not tell me it's
Do not believe you, as it was then believed
I hope that the fire in your soul , not ash
You know, like cigarette smoke eats into my eyes
This is how my heart tore your words
And if you do not love , then why hugging
I lost you before you lost me
You're in my eyes told me that I was tired
And The Beat That My Heart Skipped

God! Give me the strength to understand
How so we could lose everything
Know, remember you're waiting for it
My heart .

Know, remember you're waiting for it
My heart .

I feel sadness , promise to keep warm
Promise not to fall in love and lose it
I promise not to let go
Just promise me . I'm sorry . goodbye .

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