Текст песни я ничего тебе не обещал
Обновлено: 06.03.2025
Не забуду тебя никогда.
Мою боль успокоят года.
И в ночной тишине (ночной тишине),
Только во сне (только во сне),
Ты прикоснешься ко мне…
2)Прекрасный автор и актер, и режиссер.
Всё получилось, удался тебе финал.
Но я не зрителем была, я не играла, я жила.
Печальных песен, ничего не обещал.
Припев (2 раза):
Не забуду тебя никогда.
Мою боль успокоят года.
И в ночной тишине (в ночной тишине),
Только во сне (только во сне),
Ты прикоснешься ко мне.
1) Your ship has long disappeared over the horizon.
My dream broke the waves on the pier.
You looked into my eyes and at parting said:
"I did not promise you anything!"
Only five words and in the whole world I am alone,
No need to believe in a fairy tale about love.
Sea terminal, empty berth, "I did not promise anything!",
I repeat your words again and again .
I will never forget you.
My pain will soothe the year.
And in the silence of the night (silence of the night),
Only in a dream (only in a dream),
You touch me .
2) A wonderful author and actor, and director.
Everything turned out, the final was a success.
But I was not a spectator, I did not play, I lived.
Sad songs, promised nothing.
Chorus (2 times):
I will never forget you.
My pain will soothe the year.
And in the silence of the night (in the silence of the night),
Only in a dream (only in a dream),
You touch me.
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