Текст песни я люблю только тебя димаш
Обновлено: 22.02.2025
Добавлено Jaksits Ilona в вс, 20/10/2019 - 12:50
В последний раз исправлено Jaksits Ilona в вс, 05/01/2020 - 13:40 Комментарий:
Звукозапись была сделана ок. 2016 г.
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Украинский Переводы "Я люблю тільки тебе . " Dimash Kudaibergen: Топ 3 Комментарии пт, 25/10/2019 - 18:38Oh, cannot copy/past their corrections using android. Ok, l will do it with my computer
пт, 25/10/2019 - 18:53"Я повернув би час назад" - "Я бы вернул время вспять"
"Моя лебідко кохана" - "Моя лебедушка любимая"
"У вогні, що ти дала мені," - "В огне, что ты зажигала во мне"
Богом дана одна - "Богом данная одна"
Hello Lina!
Thanks for Your comment.
"Я повернув би час назад" (8 syllables) — In my English translation this is: "I’d like to rewind the clock back". I try to correct it so: "Я повернул б' часы назад" (8 syllables too) ("Я бы вернул время вспять" is only 7 syllables)
"Моя лебідко кохана" this is 8 syllables — "Моя лебедушка любимая" is 10 syllables. That's why I "abridged" "лебедушка" and chosed "милая" instaed of "любимая".
"У вогні, що ти дала мені," - "В огне, что ты зажигала во мне" — What's the problem? I wrote: "В огне, что ты зажиг[а]ла во мне" The letter "a" is there, but only because of number of syllables in [].
Богом дана одна - "Богом данная одна" — You (they) are vright. I'll correct it so: "Богом данна' одна".
Thanks Ukrainian Dears for comments.
сб, 26/10/2019 - 06:15
Ok. I missed this line
"Спомини в сні" - Воспоминания во сне.
The word "Памятьми" does not exist
Hello Ilona. I understand that you want to keep the rithm of the song, but you can't sacrifice the Russian language to achieve it.
Best Regards
Thank You, Anatoli.
сб, 26/10/2019 - 07:18This is how it is possible to try keeping the meaning and syllables together
"Я повернув би час назад" (8) — Я повернул бы время вспять
"Моя лебідко кохана" 8 — Моя любовь, лебёдушка
Богом дана одна 6 - Богом дарована (данна одна - does not exist)
"Спомини в сні" 4 - Образы сна.
"Я повернув би час назад" — what about "Я певервел бы часы вспять"? I understand the original means 'повернуть время вспять' but it composed 'перевести часы назад'.
'Моя любовь, лебёдушка' — Recerive.
"Богом дана одна" - 'Богом дарована' — I miss the word "одна" what - by my meaning - here has importance. I wrote possible correction with apostrophe ('). (It means shortening, but if so isn't clear I can write 'данна[я]'.)
'Образы сна' — Recerive. The rhyme doesn't come out like this either.
"Спомини в сні" this is 4 syllables — 'Воспоминания во сне' is 2×4 syllables. What other synonym can You suggest for 'воспоминание/'воспоминания'' instead of 'память/памяти'? Do You think here better would be 'мемуары' or 'записки'? I don't think.
All right. I wrote wrong памятЯми and not instrumental case.
And I remark: none of native Russian made a Russian translation of this song for two weeks (from 06/10/2019 till 20/10/2019)
Thanks again Ukrainian Dears for their comments.
вс, 27/10/2019 - 13:56"Спомини в сні" 4 - Об-ра-зы сна (the same meaning)
Yes, so do I Local mysterious (sometimes)
It used to be, as soon as I translated, for example, a 3-year-old request, or a 'long-no-translation" song I received a lot of comments about how and why I wrote exactly this word instead of another one.
Hello Lina,
is it Your feedback on fixes, or answer for may remark (I thought the same too, but I never wouldn't write it down)?
All best: J.I.
On fixes. Oh, I suggested a little bit of humor.
I am glad if native speakers tell their remarks about my translations. I mean Russian->English in my case, it helps when you learn the language
I uploaded my English translation. Just don't get stuck with "I love only you" being only 5 syllables (so it is singable too) and "Я люблю тільки тебе" is 7 syllables.:)
And that's my humor.
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