Текст песни w c d

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Пустота на месте звезд, огонь вокруг креста
Кто-то проклял твой народ, и это неспроста
Но наступит время "икс" - и оживет колосс
Ставки слишком высоки, игра идет всерьез

Нож как бритва
Будет битва

Ты мог родиться совсем в иных краях
Где нет решеток, и не строят плах
Где женщины не плачут, и не прячут лиц
Где дети не хотят играть в убийц.

Previously, you were on the side - not & quot; anti & quot; and & quot; for & quot;
But once Big Brother you opened my eyes:
& quot; Collusion ancient sages put the world on the brink
Power in the hands of strangers, and you pay them a tribute! & Quot;

Void in place of stars around the cross fire
Someone cursed thy people, and it is no accident
But the time will come & quot; X & quot; - Colossus and revive
The stakes are too high, the game is seriously

Blade razor
Will Battle

Fist - like a flag over the lush head
The leader said: - & quot; His take with interest! & Quot;
In the darkness, the enemy will not escape!
It is time to get ready to make a move
You will sign!

Deftly launched a mechanism is for systems operation
Alone, you're nobody, but in the crowd - a hero
You have your colors, you know the terrible cry
Inviolability of that wall, where you have a brick!

You could have been born in a completely different ends
Where there are no grids or building timbers
Where women do not cry, and do not hide people
Where children do not want to play the killer .

The angel of death will be here when the battle begins
It will push you to the bayonet and take with you
But again plays Marsh again yells Ringleader .
Fools and columns back to the altar!

Fist - like a flag over the lush head
Maniac said: - & quot; His take with interest! & Quot;
In the darkness, the enemy will not escape
It is time to get ready to make a move
You will sign! . trunk! . flag! . bayonet!
. sign! . count! . tank! . chain!
. sign! . scrap! . whip! . coffin! . sign

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