Текст песни в душу не лезьте судить не вам
Обновлено: 06.03.2025
Беззаботны и глупы, но мы уже не те дети, у которых
В авторитете, дяди в малиновых пиджаках,
А не в форме, ментом было быть позорно
И старшики шли работать не на зону, а шли этапом в зону
Крышивали таксистов, палаток точки
В школу мы таскали не айфоны
А кастеты, бабочки, заточки
Развлекухи, ходить, район на район (город на микрорайон)
Качалки в подвалах, нас не пускали туда еще малых
И мы гоняли голубей дворовых
Возле голубятни дяди Васи
Он собирал там блатных, масти воровских
Лучше умереть братком, чем кукарекать петушком
Объясняли нам так с корешком,
Слушали у них из иномарок Наговицына,
С детства слова знал наизусть, близка позиция
В душу не лести, судить не вам
Перед Богом ответим все, по своим делам
Судить не судьям, не операм, вольную пацанам
В душу не лести, судить не вам
Перед Богом ответим все, по своим делам
Судить не судьям, не операм, вольную пацанам
В душу не лести, судить не вам
Судья у нас один БОГ и ворам, и операм
И кто грешнее из нас узнаем там
Carefree and stupid, but we are no longer the children who have
In authority, uncles in raspberry-colored jackets,
And not in shape, the cop was shameful
And the elders did not go to work in the zone, but walked in a step to the zone
Roofed taxi drivers, point tents
We didn’t carry iPhones to school
And brass knuckles, butterflies, sharpeners
Have fun, walk, district to district (city to microdistrict)
Rocking in the basement, we were not allowed to go there still small
And we drove the yard doves
Near the uncle Vasya’s dovecote
He collected thieves there, thieves suits
Better to die as a brother than to crow a cockerel
They explained to us like that with the spine,
They listened to them from foreign cars Nagovitsyna,
From childhood I knew the words by heart, the position is close
Do not flatter the soul, not you to judge
Before God, we will answer everything according to our deeds
Judge not judges, not operas, free boys
Do not flatter the soul, not you to judge
Our judge is one GOD to thieves and operas
And who will learn more sinful of us there
But those who were registered were held in high esteem.
I guess it's too early for me to talk about God with those concepts
It's better to watch yourself
How to climb into someone else's soul
Among the dogs I am a wolf, and wolves of dogs usually strangle
And if that, then I do not touch
Not left, not Rostov, not Smolensky
Someone sat down, sleeping in the ground, or settled
Invisible of those 600s, with three sixes,
And the sixes played in the 90s
Which at that time, with any movement, wrote in sheets
God forbid to see again how the country was divided
Spit on UK, a hand was raised on a brother or friend
Earth you rest in peace .
But in tales on TV, romantic life!
Do not flatter the soul, not you to judge
Before God, we will answer everything according to our deeds
Judge not judges, not operas, free boys
Do not flatter the soul, not you to judge
Our judge is one GOD to thieves and operas
And who will learn more sinful of us there
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