Текст песни три огонька

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Три огонька у созвездия Девы мерцают в далеке
Рига-Москва сквозь облака
Три огонька у созвездия Овна зовут меня к тебе
Рига-Москва я жду тебя любимый Flight delay Riga-Moscow to six am
And I do not know how to pass the night
The dark sky starry arrival scoreboard
Not an astronomer I am, that I guess it just

Three spark in the constellation Virgo twinkle in the distance
Riga-Moscow through the clouds
Three spark from the Aries constellation called me to you
Riga to Moscow, I 'm waiting for you

Baltic Coast will miss , gulls will wait
When you come back , and I'll be there with you
That 's your cup of coffee cools
In a small cafe
Open at midnight for us as always for the Dvina

Three spark in the constellation Virgo twinkle in the distance
Riga-Moscow through the clouds
Three spark from the Aries constellation called me to you
Riga to Moscow, I 'm waiting for you

Three spark in the constellation Virgo twinkle in the distance
Riga-Moscow through the clouds
Three spark from the Aries constellation called me to you
Riga to Moscow, I'm waiting for your favorite

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