Текст песни тихий дом

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Игра тебе не чё не даст.Одумайся парень
Одумайся дама.Одумайтесь твари.
Что же киты могли бы тебе дать? Максимум раны и слёзы маме.

Канаты с потолка.Дверь Окно.Люди звёздами
Тихий Дом,5 утра,всё осознано.
Вены-море,руки,киты,берега Ropes from a ceiling. A door. Window.People are stars
Quiet House, 5 in the morning, everything is realized.
Vienna-sea, hands, whales, coast
Vienna-sea, hands, whales, coast

I'll wake you up at 4:20
To teach your whales to fly.
Having destroyed the Quiet House, I will laugh
Like a psychopath! Like a psychopath!

The game will not give you something. Think about a guy
Think again, lady. Consider the creature.
What could whales give you? Maximum wounds and tears to mom.

Ropes from a ceiling. A door Window. People by stars
Quiet House, 5 in the morning, everything is realized.
Vienna-sea, hands, whales, coast
Vienna-sea, hands, whales, coast

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