Текст песни tell me about god velial squad

Обновлено: 22.02.2025


Тексты песен / V / слова песен Velial Squad / Tell Me About God

Перевод текста песни Tell Me About God

Velial Squad

Исполнитель: Velial Squad
Название: Tell Me About God

Tell about God

While drinking wine from Church supplies

Put stakes in my feet

I'll resurrect and slaughter your entire flock.

Where is their Holiness?

Immured in a wall I will be crushed by stones

God you know I repent

Cannabis in the blood is hell in my subconscious

Drink wine with blood liters, as the a goddamn mosquito

I was flying over some kind of Gothic types

Chatting bastards behind their backs

We Rob the graves and spit on their plates.

Now we're even.

Dark ghetto lords

In the darkness for so many years

From heaven no answer

Under shawty bits ignites the Covenant

And let the wind

Dirty blood drives me crazy

Dictates behavior, it's a psycho-prison

Inner demon needs staffe

The new parish, the corpse rolled on the tile

A riot of fractals, nose whined from crystals

The whole world shuddered under the reefs of metal

Beyond the mountain peaks, I eat mescaline

My mind is floating among the drifting ice floes

Oh, my Lord! I want to be free

Oh my Lucifer! Send me to the dead

I dream of these black stars

From the eyes of the virgin cry tears of blood

Clenching her teeth, crumbled with a creak enamel

I was beside myself with steel in my hand.

Rage blinded, I pulled the trigger

Point put lead spit

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