Текст песни still dead velial squad

Обновлено: 22.02.2025


Тексты песен / V / слова песен Velial Squad / Still Dead

Перевод текста песни Still Dead

Velial Squad

Исполнитель: Velial Squad
Название: Still Dead

Still dead.

Still lying to myself.

Like a vicious circle

I'll be back in the morning.

Still dead.

Still lying to myself.

Like a vicious circle

I'll be back in the morning.

Tear the noose from your neck

Because the body does not breathe

I'll bury myself in the ground

To simply be closer

I would like to turn back time

In the morning throwing another five zenni

Have only gotten worse in the head vision

I don't need him because he died with her.

Touch the ground, answer me, how are you?

I stay at the bottom, no more praying to the gods

Touch the ground, answer me, how are you?

I stay at the bottom, no more praying to the gods

Still just a corpse, just a corpse

Closed circle

I still lie to myself, I lie to myself.

Just lying.

The gods don't care about us.

Body eats darkness

Still dead.

Still lying to myself.

Like a vicious circle

I'll be back in the morning.

Та же самая песня Себе по-прежнему вру артиста Velial Squad от начала до конца.

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Отзывы о песне Velial Squad - Still Dead

Помню была песня со словами в припеве «All she ever wants is just a little more weed in her blunt», не помню только кто пел.

Ответ: Часто ее слушаю, поэтому знаю, что это песня Vice Amine

почему крутую музыку пишут, а мы ее не слышым… хорошо Still Dead не пропустил!!

Ну вот есть же вечные песни как Still Dead, которые с годами не устаревают и каждый раз до мурашек…

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