Текст песни сон максим
Обновлено: 22.02.2025
Hi Alan, you can post the lyrics of that song on this website by clicking on the button 'Add new song'.
Then after you've added the song, you'll have to click on the button 'Add new request'.
That way people can see you've requested a translation for that song.
Salut lionel, si tu veux te présenter, tu peux le faire ici
Et s'il y a des chansons de MakSim que tu veux qu'on traduise, il faut que tu postes une demande et quelqu'un s'en chargera. C'est réglé assez vite en général, d'autant qu'on a une très bonne traductrice pour ça x)
PLEASE, Does anyone know where to download all her albums for free because I don't even have a visa card or something like that and they don't sell like this music in my country!!
пн, 16/05/2011 - 18:39 чт, 12/01/2012 - 05:02Everyone have the English to Maksim's "loner" album? I am especially interested in the song "wanderer". -Alan ps any Russian ladies put there interested in an American man?
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