Текст песни соловьи утро михаил горшенев

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

И она заволновалась,
Рвется, мечется внутри
Хочет так на небеса,
Ну кому ты там нужна?

Соловьи, пропойте мне
Для души чего нибудь
Чтоб взлетел я, как во сне,
Смог бы к Богу заглянуть

Посмотрел бы с высоты
Вниз на матушку землю
Там черти снуют, сыны твои мрут

Я умираю..глаза закрываю..я умираю Early early morning. Hey, crow !
Get away
Give before his death I 'll stay single .
Only I , but the wind

And run across the sky , and behind them the soul .

Tolley night came suddenly ,
It became a strange
Everything was lost in the darkness ,
The Sun beam in the mist froze

Nightingales , Sing me
For the soul what ever
So I took off like a dream ,
Could look to God

Looked to be from a height
Down on mother earth
There devils scurry , your sons are dying

And my eyes will close sighted ,
And here usopnu
Oh, how sad to die alone
In the vast field

And run across the sky , and behind them the soul .

And she was worried ,
Torn, torn inside
So wants to heaven
Well, who are you need?

Nightingales , Sing me
For the soul what ever
So I took off like a dream ,
Could look to God

Looked to be from a height
Down on mother earth
There devils scurry , your sons are dying

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