Текст песни слоу мо макан

Обновлено: 22.02.2025


Перевод текста песни Slow Mo

Исполнитель: MACAN
Название: Slow Mo

You know, sometimes we don't drown for nothing

Disinfection of rats from the ship

Life turns as it wants

And then for a long time everyone got used to zeros

As if the bottom is on your shoulders

As if life had never been good enough for me

But you know as well as I do, kid

Why don't these kids sleep at night

They won't have enough cash tomorrow

They didn't have enough points

Tell God about your plans

Tears wash the blocks

Hapka as three, but did not give

Life-bad trip, but still not enough

At least something would have fallen here

In addition to the problems and scandals

But the credits are hanging on the map

We are drawn to barter by the ranks

Che ponta call yourself a brother

With their friendship on prepayments

Tell me who to trust

Tell me how not to become a traitor

Brother, look up

There at sunset

Stars Fall on Slow Mo

Ask them to make us lucky

To make us smile as if we were in a movie

From a car like Bond's, in Viton suits

At sunset, e

Stars Fall on Slow Mo

Ask them to make us lucky

To make us smile as if we were in a movie

From a car like Bond's, in Viton suits

At sunset, e

There are drops on the windshield

Balances at zero

It breaks, but we live

Throws, but we get up

The odds are one in a million

But the guys know how to do it

Your own lam from yours

Cards on the table and a slipper on the floor for a hundred

You know where we come from, slippin' on

You know where we come from, slippin' on

Stars Fall on Slow Mo

Ask them to make us lucky

To make us smile as if we were in a movie

From a car like Bond's, in Viton suits

At sunset, e

Stars Fall on Slow Mo

Ask them to make us lucky

To make us smile as if we were in a movie

From a car like Bond's, in Viton suits

At sunset, e

Тут же от автора MACAN полностью слова Попроси у них, чтоб нам повезло.

Отзывы о песне MACAN - Slow Mo

Новый альбом MACAN потрясающий, теперь текст Slow Mo не выходит из головы.

Голос и харизма MACAN - это нечто конечно, столько драйва, столько энергетики.

В голове все крутится строчка Ich bleib' bei dir, ich bleib' bei dir, а что это за исполнитель не знаю…

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