Текст песни слезки зараза
Обновлено: 22.02.2025
Перевод текста песни Слёзки
Исполнитель: Зараза
Название: Слёзки
Coffee's stronger, but it's not any easier.
Make my face look like everything that happened, I don't remember.
And I'm hoping to roll you in the tape.
I realize that nothing else has to do with you.
The lights go out (hey)
Sasha not smoke (hey)
Dissolved in acid
I'm your acid Dj.
I thought I'd spend my nine lives with you.,
But I paint you tears like Walter Disney (hey)
Like Walter Disney
I paint you tears like Walter Disney (hey)
Like Walter Disney
I paint you tears like Walter Disney
Half your friends will say:
"Let's have some fun" (a)
You're gonna hit harder.
This is the saddest track on earth
Kicking a stool, my voice hangs in the loop again
To feel like a unit among zeros
They all look backward, to look smarter
We are slowly led to the grave by a series of these days
She calls me on my cell, but I'm not with her anymore.
I'd better change my Sim, because I'm no longer with her
We got chewed up quarter, as tape cassette
You're saying I just need to see you naked.
You talk, you talk, I don't listen, baby.
We were a great couple, like a noose and a stool.
Like a bird and a cage, I remember baby
Falling asleep on your lap
Now I rarely even remember
Now you're just a text, you're just a note
Coffee's stronger, but it's not any easier.
Make my face look like everything that happened, I don't remember.
And I'm hoping to roll you in the tape.
I realize that nothing else has to do with you.
The lights go out (hey)
Sasha not smoke (hey)
Dissolved in acid
I'm your acid Dj.
I thought I'd spend my nine lives with you.,
But I paint you tears like Walter Disney (hey)
Like Walter Disney
I paint you tears like Walter Disney (hey)
Like Walter Disney
I paint you tears like Walter Disney
Вероятнее всего вы искали текст композиции Гаснут фонари (эй исполнителя Зараза.
Видео Зараза - Слёзки на ютуб
Отзывы о песне Зараза - Слёзки
Гениальная песня Слёзки, столько ее пою, и так и не надоедает.
Раз сто слушал песню Слёзки, и еще сто раз по сто готов ))
Восхищает, что Зараза всегда выкладывается на сцене и поражает зрителей невероятной эмоциональностью.
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