Текст песни сигарета без кнопки

Обновлено: 22.02.2025

If you'd like a more in-depth translation with more annotations, or have any questions/suggestions, please leave a comment!

Добавлено kyucat в вс, 02/02/2020 - 05:28

Добавлено в ответ на запрос Felipe Gomes


Some notes:
1: Same "put out" as in the previous line, i.e., extinguish.
2: The word I translated to "face", "рожa", is more crude and colloquial than the translation implies. Also, the previous line is mocking, with a "woooow, look, she's twirling her feathers again" sarcastic tone.
3: The word used for "clapping" and "slamming" is the same - more literally it's "I'm clapping with my hands, and you're clapping with the door" ("But clap one more time, and plaster will fall), but we don't really say that in English.
4: Not sure if this is the singer threatening to get violent if the door is slammed one more time, or if it's a general observation about how hard the door is being slammed.
5: The word I translated to lonely/loneliness here can also mean bored/boredom.
6: Vague pun. Same word used for "perfection"; basically "You're perfect / perfect at not giving a fuck"
7: French phrase that literally translates to "look for the woman", and more figuratively implies that a woman is at the root of a problem, i.e. "look for the woman if you want to know the root cause".
8: French Musketeer dude.

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