Текст песни пятаки семистроя оу74

Обновлено: 22.02.2025


Тексты песен / О / слова песен ОУ74 / Пятаки семистроя

Перевод текста песни Пятаки семистроя

Исполнитель: ОУ74
Название: Пятаки семистроя

Nickels semestre as I can remember,

Here is the yard that the seventh entrance.

This is where I grew up and gained weight.

My voice got rougher from the pitches,

And I got under the floor, it's more comfortable.

Taj Mahal, the tree takes root and soon

Open the crown, I remember the summer, football and on the field behind the house.

Weave, package, the first jamb of straw.

Fifteen years with the cops and a humble staff.

Hidden in the most secluded pocket.

Onyx and Wu-tang clan is the area of the home.

While in the trash smoothly flowing days,

One on one the sky and I under him.

Changing smoke rings. Ma understand Woe from wit,

And I entered the world without deception.

And see through smoke this life closer.

The lighthouse rises higher on the floors,

From the Windows you can hear the traffic.

And only mom marijuana soaked the walls

Entrances of basements and attics

Mana marijuana

And only mom marijuana soaked the walls

Entrances of basements and attics

Mana marijuana

From the window view on the coin semestre,

On the other hand from the balcony of the lake Smolino.

The same faces of people, but the houses have become lower!

Not to be mistaken here, the police could not immobilize.

To repeat bit in the headphones, from Japan to Dc.

As right now I remember this route.

To the stadium on the beach,

Summer water stood,? in is the front garden.

Such carefree time was,

Basketball on the pier.

Table tennis is in that yard over there.

And as long as I remember never chased the money,

And became wiser!

I understood the essence of the vain society, its ability to drive you crazy!

Mother and marijuana at the time had permeated into the walls

Entrances, basements and attics.

Mana marijuana Ae

And only mom marijuana soaked the walls

Entrances of basements and attics

Mana marijuana

And only mom marijuana soaked the walls

Entrances of basements and attics

Mana marijuana

Также на этой странице вы найдете полный текст песни И только мама марихуана пропитала стены от ОУ74.

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Отзывы о песне ОУ74 - Пятаки семистроя

Сегодня на улице слышал песню со словами Счастье вдвоём, где слиты быль и небыль, кто знает что за песня?

Ответ: Похоже на песню Счастье вдвоём Валерий Сюткин…

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