Текст песни punched pit

Обновлено: 22.02.2025


Тексты песен / В / слова песен ВУЛЬФ & UMSY & WARYKID / PUNCHED PIT

Перевод текста песни PUNCHED PIT


Исполнитель: ВУЛЬФ & UMSY & WARYKID

I've never done anything more than you've ever done

The wave blows away the people in white, the world - . fake

Hotkey, goosebumps, death is no worse than cancellation

Why are you silent there in the reflection?

Listen, don't drive, there are a thousand reasons to die

On polarities I jump, metamorphosis-theophilus

Just smoked, . like dmt

Before you send it . All of them, dried their brains out

Don't think, I don't want to think, well .

I understand, I forgot, it's important, I understand all thoughts-paper

All your thoughts are just infantile . really

I do this . to justify my weakness

Mixed up, mixed up again

I forgot what happened again, I hate this morning

I just feel good when there are no assholes around

I feel very good when my head is empty

I run and punch through concrete walls

And if I want to, then the titan instantly

Will come . will not come the limit

After all, I fell out of the world, this is not the end

What? Gravity? I didn't understand

I'm going somewhere. out of space I'm

Separate the head, it begins to dance

Something's wrong with me here, and I can't lose.

And here is separately varikidy fly away to them

I'll check everyone out, I'm sure this thing is a hit

Better be afraid of me, I'll yell - you'll run away

Better be afraid of me, your brains are out of your head

Stupidly, stupidly, stupidly, stupidly, I didn't .

Stupidly, stupidly, stupidly, stupidly, I didn't .

Stupidly, stupidly, stupidly, stupidly, I didn't .

Stupidly, stupidly, stupidly, stupidly, I didn't .

Unravel the mystery will not work, sorry if I offended you, I'm not trying to be a leader

Just listen to me if you want to get out of here like this

You don't have a chance like going to Jupiter

Turn left, turn right, poison

I did not go to suffer, although I had enough points for the Unified State Exam

I compile all the lost time into a rapchag

People want to bring back the time when I was roaring at the bits .

It was a long time ago and it was so stupid

Just as stupid as falling in love with a free prostitute

It's just as stupid as thinking that music is a science

She won't give you anything, . better get out of here

Go away, go away, go away, go away

If you want to prove something, then say less

Go away, go away, go away, go away

I'll clear your brain like I'm a paladin

Сразу всплывают в памяти запоминающиеся слова автора ВУЛЬФ & UMSY & WARYKID песни Тупо, тупо, тупо, тупо, я наперекор.


Голос и харизма ВУЛЬФ & UMSY & WARYKID - это нечто конечно, столько драйва, столько энергетики.

Помню была песня со словами в припеве «I tried talking about it, I got the big runaround», не помню только кто пел.

Ответ: Так это Isley Brothers, The песня Fight the Power (part 1 & 2)

почему крутую музыку пишут, а мы ее не слышым… хорошо PUNCHED PIT не пропустил!!

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