Текст песни про дейдару

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Его искусство это взрыв и взрывами он болен
Да и, кстати, прав Сасори - молодым Дейдара помер
Он камикадзе и взорвал себя ради искусства.
Хоть было весьма искусно, да красиво и со вкусом.

Его искусство это взрыв и взрывами он болен
Да и, кстати, прав Сасори - молодым Дейдара помер
Он камикадзе и взорвал себя ради искусства.
Хоть было весьма искусно, да красиво и со вкусом.

Когда сражался с Казекаге, победил, однако
Оторвало ему руку, но достойной была драка.
В бою против Какаши потерял вторую руку.
Зецу вместе с Тоби находят и возвращают другу.
Его противником был Саске. Да, они сразились
Да, они сцепились. Да он и Дейдара насмерть бились.
И он взорвал себя в надежде, что погибнет Саске
Ради этого пожертвовал собой и другом в маске.
Его призвал Кабуто, ему нужна была помощь,
Но не контролировал себя и чувствовал, как овощ.
Перед тем как начал серьезно сражаться с Цучикаге
Кабуто призвал его обратно и конец их драке.
В Четвертой Мировой войне его призвали тоже,
Но не показал, что может. На Дейдару не похоже.
Бросился в атаку, выступил против Канкуро
Захватили его в плен, сразу видно - не обдумал.

Его искусство это взрыв и взрывами он болен.
Да и, кстати, прав Сасори - молодым Дейдара помер
Он камикадзе и взорвал себя ради искусства.
Хоть было весьма искусно, да красиво и со вкусом.

Его искусство это взрыв и взрывами он болен
Да и, кстати, прав Сасори - молодым Дейдара помер
Он камикадзе и взорвал себя ради искусства
Хоть было весьма искусно, да красиво и со вкусом.

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He is the youngest of criminal Akatsuki
Nukenin S rank from the village of Stone was very dangerous
He was a partner Sasori, but when he died
Toby took his place, got him a madman.
Oonoki Deidara was a teacher we know
Kurotsuchi called him brother. Is this true?
He hated Itachi for what its purpose
To find and bring it into Akatsuki. Further
they fought and the condition was that if they win
leave, and if not, to join their ranks.
He was fascinated by the art of losing Sharingan
But did not recognize it and waited for the moment of revenge.
In fact, he did not want to cooperate with them,
But wanted to get rid of them and would help explosions.
He was forced to start, we can say forcibly
Appreciated his technique, his art effect.

His art is an explosion and the explosions he is sick
And, by the way, the rights of Sasori - Deidara died young
He and kamikaze blew himself up for the sake of art.
Though it was very cleverly, so beautifully and tastefully.

His art is an explosion and the explosions he is sick
And, by the way, the rights of Sasori - Deidara died young
He and kamikaze blew himself up for the sake of art.
Though it was very cleverly, so beautifully and tastefully.

When fighting the Kazekage, won, but
Tore off his hand, but was a decent fight.
In the battle against Kakashi lost the second hand.
Zetsu with Toby find and return the other.
His opponent was Sasuke. Yes, they fought
Yes, they grappled. Yes, he and Deidara fought to the death.
And he blew himself up in the hope that Sasuke will die
To sacrifice themselves and others in the mask.
Its called Kabuto, he needed help,
But did not control myself and felt like a vegetable.
Before you begin a serious fight with the Tsuchikage
Kabuto called him back and end their fight.
In the fourth world war he was called up, too,
But it is not shown that it can. On Deidara does not.
Attacked, opposed Kankuro
Took him prisoner, one can see - not thought about.

His art is an explosion and the explosions he was ill.
And, by the way, the rights of Sasori - Deidara died young
He and kamikaze blew himself up for the sake of art.
Though it was very cleverly, so beautifully and tastefully.

His art is an explosion and the explosions he is sick
And, by the way, the rights of Sasori - Deidara died young
He and kamikaze blew himself up for the sake of art
Though it was very cleverly, so beautifully and tastefully.

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