Текст песни последнее потрачу
Обновлено: 21.02.2025
I dully forgot everything,and thoughts are about only one thing now.
But you are my strongest alcohol
I'm drinking, washing down with you, and we're leaving for home.
And I will spend for you my best day
I'll spend for you my best night
I'll spend everything to get you undressed.
Today I want to get drunk for your love
And I will spend for you my best day
I'll spend for you my best night
I'll spend everything to get you undressed.
Today I want to get drunk for your love
And I will spend for you my best day
I'll spend for you my best night
I'll spend everything to get you undressed.
Today I want to get drunk for your love
And I will spend for you my best day
I'll spend for you my best night
I'll spend everything to get you undressed.
Today I want to get drunk for your love
I'll spend for you all my stocks.
Добавлено YarenF в пт, 28/04/2017 - 22:35
Добавлено в ответ на запрос Alina1
В последний раз исправлено YarenF в вт, 02/05/2017 - 16:38
Потрачу (Potrachu)
Переводы "Потрачу (Potrachu)"
Английский YarenF
Egor Kreed: Топ 3
Idioms from "Потрачу"
сб, 29/04/2017 - 04:22
пн, 21/05/2018 - 10:42
parachutes, hands on the clock, You don't bite the lips rudely- you bite them roughly. Into the glasses. And I will spent on you(rather then for you) I will spend on you all my money ( бабки is a slang word for money)
Kind Regards,
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