Текст песни на минимум ак 47

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Ваше не на минимум, опять этот минимум, нет только не минимум
Движусь на верх не на минимум, шагам (табадам) не на минимум
Движусь на верх не на минимум, танцуй-танцуй не на минимум
Каждый день не на минимум, (сломано тоже катоже ) минимум-минимум

Ни вам ни нам не на минимум, здесь Папалам не на минимум
Я звук вам дам не на минимум, сядь на диван не на минимум
Прими-ка грамм не на минимум, и ватный кранк не на минимум
Дури кури не на минимум, зачем он нам не на минимум

Воткни не на минимум, прими не на минимум, мысли на минимум
Здесь бас не на минимум, пара план, Папалан,барабан не на минимум
Хэй быдыбыдап.

Говорят алко не на минимум, говорят нарко не на минимум
Говорят, что то не на минимум, сё не на минимум, "чё" не на минимум
А я долблю не на минимум, ещё я пью не на минимум
Не вру, ору, дурю, курю, порву молву не на минимум

I’ll take out a minimum of men, lure out mann, lure a minimum of mann, man’s phenomena, fanabans, the wall of the background man.
apparently, at least even the strongest in the mind doesn’t need the mum, they said who don’t need to
to a minimum.
file to me at least! in half not a minimum! fake to a minimum! we are not a minimum! not tearing the roof
minimum! bass and at least! you saw me, set aside you forced me yes we gave you a bit not on
minimum, bass, and minimum, we don’t need the minimum!

I don’t have to go past Madame, I won’t give up the house, I’ll give straight to the ladies. Theme is swept up here and the mess is confused here
give it to us, show it, give it out, give it out a bit, give it a look, finish me until you kill me, torture me! mix with
crazy! Take off! Take off! To a minimum! The foams are dumb in the grocery, the hooligans pestering me, they didn’t hire me, they paid me money,
I was poured to me if it was not at fault in the face value, we would be driven if we were given roofing tape we would be mutilated, they would only fuck it
where the shares are at a minimum price at a minimum, but we do not need to a minimum!
They say alcohol is not a minimum, they say alcohol is not a minimum
They say that it’s not at a minimum, this is not at a minimum, “Che” is not at a minimum
And I’m not hammering at least, I’m not drinking at least
I’m not lying, yelling, stupid, smoking, tearing rumors not at least

Yours is not a minimum, again this minimum, there is only no minimum
I’m moving to the top not at least, steps (tabad) not at least
Move to the top not at least, dance, dance not at least
Every day is not a minimum, (also a broken shaft) minimum-minimum

Neither you nor us at least, here Papalam is not at least
I’m not giving you a minimum sound, sit on a sofa not a minimum
Take a gram not at least, and a cotton cock not at least
Duri do not smoke at least, why do not we at least

Stick not to minimum, accept not to minimum, thoughts to minimum
Here the bass is not at least, a pair of plan, Papalan, the drum is not at least
Khabydybydap .
Hey Bydydap .

They say no alcohol at least, they say no drug at least
They say that it’s not at a minimum, this is not at a minimum, “Che” is not at a minimum
And I’m not hammering at least, I’m not drinking at least
I’m not lying, yelling, stupid, smoking, tearing rumors not at least

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