Текст песни мы одни в квартире

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

[Куплет 1, Elvira T]:
Я в старой твоей олимпийке,
Мы пьём за наше здоровье
До десяти бокалов подряд,
В дешёвых ботинках -
Мы не хотим дорого платить.

Мы самые ненормальные в этом городе,
И я что-то чувствую к тебе вроде бы.
С первой ноты угадаю твою мелодию,
Твои глаза круче лёгких наркотиков.

[Переход, Elvira T]:
Я одна не дойду, проводи.
Ты же тоже быть не любишь один.
Любовь отправим на карантин,
Не держи меня в клетке -
Лучше меня отпусти, а-а,
Лучше меня отпусти, а-а.

[Куплет 2, Elvira T]:
Наши с тобой бывшие
Пусть дальше врут, что им без нас хорошо.
Не знаю, как твоя, но мой прошлый парень
Явно с катушек сошёл.

Нам круто вместе терять сознание.
Пускай плывут дома из бетона и здания.
Пускай плывут дворы, подъезды и хаты,
Пусть поцелую сухие и ноги ватные.

[Переход, Elvira T]:
Я одна не дойду, проводи.
Ты же тоже быть не любишь один.
Любовь отправим на карантин,
Не держи меня в клетке -
Лучше меня отпусти, а-а,
Лучше меня отпусти, а-а.

Хочу сбежать от тебя, хочу сбежать;
Хочу сбежать от тебя, хочу сбежать;
Хочу сбежать от тебя, хочу сбежать;
Хочу сбежать от тебя, хочу сбежать;
Хочу сбежать от тебя, хочу сбежать;
Хочу сбежать от тебя.

[VERSE 1, Elvira T]:
I'm in your old Olympian,
We drink to our health
Up to ten glasses in a row,
In cheap shoes -
We do not want to pay dearly.

We are the most abnormal in this city,
And I feel something to you like.
From the first note I will guess your melody,
Your eyes are steeper than light drugs.

[Jump, Elvira T]:
I'm not going to go by myself, I'm going.
You, too, do not love one.
Love will be sent to quarantine,
Do not hold me in a cage -
Better let me go, ah,
Better let me go, huh.

We are alone in an apartment in a hard style -
Outside the access zone for everyone, but friends forgave us.
You're so muddy, and for some reason
I want to escape from you every morning!

We are alone in an apartment in a hard style -
Outside the access zone for everyone, but friends forgave us.
You're so muddy, and for some reason
I want to escape from you every morning!

[Verse 2, Elvira T]:
Our former friends
Let them lie further that they are good without us.
I do not know how yours, but my last boyfriend
Apparently came off the reels.

We cool together to lose consciousness.
Let the houses float from concrete and buildings.
Let the yards, driveways and huts float,
Let the kiss dry and feet wadded.

[Jump, Elvira T]:
I'm not going to go by myself, I'm going.
You, too, do not love one.
Love will be sent to quarantine,
Do not hold me in a cage -
Better let me go, ah,
Better let me go, huh.

We are alone in an apartment in a hard style -
Outside the access zone for everyone, but friends forgave us.
You're so muddy, and for some reason
I want to escape from you every morning!

We are alone in an apartment in a hard style -
Outside the access zone for everyone, but friends forgave us.
You're so muddy, and for some reason
I want to escape from you every morning!

I want to escape from you, I want to escape;
I want to escape from you, I want to escape;
I want to escape from you, I want to escape;
I want to escape from you, I want to escape;
I want to escape from you, I want to escape;
I want to escape from you.

We are alone in an apartment in a hard style -
Outside the access zone for everyone, but friends forgave us.
You're so muddy, and for some reason
I want to escape from you every morning!

We are alone in an apartment in a hard style -
Outside the access zone for everyone, but friends forgave us.
You're so muddy, and for some reason
I want to escape from you every morning!

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