Текст песни my mom eminem

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Переводы "My Name Is"

Peternity - EPIC RAP BATTLE: Eminem vs Dementia A YouTube parody.

Eminem: Топ 3

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Идиомы из "My Name Is"


вс, 13/12/2015 - 09:30

I think there might be some mistakes here. I understand
* Hi kids! Do you like primates?
* Well since age twelve, I've felt like a case-dough
* Instead of "Cause I hung my original self from the top bunk with a belt" - something else about some thing chasing his tale
* "Got pissed off and ripped Pamela Lee's lips off" / Kissed them and said: "I didn't know silicone was supposed to be this soft"
* [. ] something about a fat man who sat down too fast.
* after "And by the way when you see my dad?" - Ask him if he bought a porno mag to see my add.

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