Текст песни миром правит свет

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Мы знали город и все. пускали в море песок.Мы находились на грани - 2 кольта жали висок.двигались только вперед, мы не смотрели назад.делали общее дело ведь за спиной был брат.

Так было, так есть, так будет
Мотор уже не тот, не так крутит
При валюте эти люди на абсолюте
Купил лотерею, игра в стальные двери
Борьба с законом окончатся обманом
У тебя дома, у тебя кома. Я вдыхаю тонны стона
Плачет волна грома. От этих грязных тем паралич
Проверь свою подругу на вич
Где тот белый кирпич?
Где моя волына, она ласкает слух красиво
Суки кончают, когда видят порошок
Ты проспал. Это тема, дружок. У тебя шок
Читай этот листок между этих строк
Читаю этот листок между этих строк
Читаю этот листок между строк.

Мы знали город и все. пускали в море песок.Мы находились на грани - 2 кольта жали висок.двигались только вперед, мы не смотрели назад.делали общее дело ведь за спиной был брат.

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Все тексты ЧЭ feat. РО >>>

World is ruled by the light, but the darkness Kaifu
I searched for the answer there , where truth does not stink
Fucking like fire, but freezing in doorways
I asked my mother to buy flowers in the celebration of childhood
Smoked but I plan to open the shower door
"Be more cheeky " father's words
And by the end of PUSH bitch till the end
Let all fag fucking sunshine
Let the fucking vyzhget their eyes
Let the sounds of people raise hands in the air
Good enough , and with it the evil in the bargain
Four of the snout , on any skanchik . thoughts in the tank. a little moisture
Damask Tell me the truth in what force
Tell me when fate will bring to the grave
Will all the things that I want to leave
Tell Tale . And will there be enough in Bosko shit to fix all
Fill the tanks , fill the eyes and throat to nosovihe
And on devices for a long time for a hundred long dark
On black pavement drawing white chalk
Phrase "Enough bitches!"
To all those who are in high places , from making nehuy rubbing their hands .

We know the city and all . allowed into the sea pesok.My were on the verge - 2 Colt shook visok.dvigalis only forward, we did not see nazad.delali common cause because behind him was his brother.

So it was, so it is, so it will be
The motor is not the same , not as cool
When the currency of these people on the absolute
Bought a lottery game in the steel doors
Fighting the law would end fraud
At your house , you have a coma. I breathe in tons moan
Crying wave of thunder. From these dirty so paralysis
Check his girlfriend on HIV
Where is the white brick ?
Where is my Volhynia , she beautifully mellifluous
Females end up when they see the powder
You overslept. This is a topic , my friend . You shock
Read this sheet between these lines
I read this piece between these lines
I read this piece in between the lines .

We know the city and all . allowed into the sea pesok.My were on the verge - 2 Colt shook visok.dvigalis only forward, we did not see nazad.delali common cause because behind him was his brother.

Does not shine more than the sun , and is not so warm
Understand he is no longer able to , because he does not know how
Only conquering the top we are not afraid to fall
We do not lose face , no one felt
And close our eyes in death before the nose
A million responses had a million questions
And if you uplyvesh , you pull the money
You do not come back , remember this one
The sea waves again , there again is not easy
Heart does not beat in my chest , so do not even hurt
Once you lose faith in their own strength
'll Be sorry that people did Popras .
No longer will the world , there will be more dirt
We lost soul in the list of varieties
We 'll fly to the top , then forgetting vernutssya
We has dissolved there's nothing , not spare .

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