Текст песни мальчики плачут нисы

Обновлено: 06.03.2025

Добавлено straykids_woojin в чт, 07/11/2019 - 20:03

перевод на Английский Английский

He was in your year

He loved to draw, hated his classmates

And attached to his bag, a pin

He waits in the hall for the bell

Tormenters dragged him after school

[by deceit?], and on his body new wounds

Extinguished matches on his wrists

Teenagers are the cruelest offenders

He looks at them with blue eyes

And stops asking for help

He has no right to cry

After all, boys don't cry

Boys don't cry

Boys don't cry

So fight and scoff

After all, Boys don't cry

Boys don't cry

Boys don't cry

Boy's don't cry

After all, boys don't cry

So fight and scoff

There is no other way

After all, boys don't cry

Clad in a rainbow sweater

Next, they will shout at him "nerd" and "fag"

Top floor, he locks himself in the bathroom

"Mom and dad, forgive me, I'm messed up"

He fell in love, there wasn't a night he didn't dream

of the curly-haired guy that mocked him

From his boot came the wound

Complicated to love his tormenter

Complicated to love his tormenter

Complicated to love his tormenter

After all, boys don't love

Boys don't love

Boys don't love

It can't be any other way

So beat and scoff

After all, boys don't cry

Boys don't cry

Boy's don't cry

After all, boys don't cry

Добавлено coffeespoons в ср, 17/06/2020 - 18:09


Took some liberty with the translation so it makes more sense to English speakers, ex: I changed "hooligans" to "tormenters" because hooligans does not seem to have the same connotations in English as it does in Russian (in English it's never used seriously); "he has no right to cry" instead of "he has no right even for tears"; "So fight and scoff" instead of "you, fight and scoff," because it's imperative; "I'm messed up," instead of "I'm strange."; Also, I think "обманы" (сheats?) is supposed to be "обманом" (by trickery/deceit) so I just translated it that way.

Feel free to suggest corrections, I am only an intermediate Russian student, I'm doing this to get some practice.

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