Текст песни любовь и страдание

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Кто-то приходит, а кто-то уходит,
Я одиночкой стал,но друзья не подводят,
Тебя люблю, но я не твоей масти,
Хах, вот оно мое гребанное счастье.

Хочу я всё востановить
Хочу тебя любить
Хочу я знать всё о тебе
И буду всё держать в себе We were collapsed, minorly, knew
And here she has come, gone and again I have suffered here
I'm tired of it all and fuck it all
And in this moment I leaving leaving Liha letter

I love you and better words
I want to be with you but again I carry nonsense
And maybe I will not be right here
And our relationships will crash

I want to restore everything
I want to love you
I want to know everything about you
And I will keep everything in myself

I do not understand what happens to me,
Heart knocks and my body reduces
I am dependent on you, you are my drug
Music medicine, but the pain does not pass

Someone comes, and someone leaves
I became a single, but friends are not supplied,
Love you, but I do not do your masters,
Hah, here it is my grab happiness.

I want to restore everything
I want to love you
I want to know everything about you
And I will keep everything in myself

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