Текст песни к врачу не хочу

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Рем Дигга:
У меня всё не так, всё не по Малышевой.
Я раненый, подубитый вечно, маложивой.
Загубил меха, разменял на стопку строф.
И столько псов ещё так же не зря, сто пудов.
Не нуждаюсь в железе я, братки, но нужны яблоки.
А на копов ядра клал я, да кий.
Больной по-любому донимал их, молодого тяготы немалы
К продуктам, коих на богом позабытых улицах навалом.
Перематывать не вариант годы назад, где кома Ромы
Рулила мной, и не видел я жизни кона кроме.
Наломал я дерева, слава богу, не был на ломах от дерьма.
Убили много товарищей Диггиных злачные нарко-терема.
Мы и ныне не трупы, живее живых.
Мы и не грубим, товарищ доктор, давно, так осмотрите же вы.
Разве что на шифрах, но без дыма.
Яблоки читаем и слушаем не Мишу, а Шыма.

Chorus (Heat): (x2)
If aching ears from the sounds of percussion,
If you had a toothache, then in the course:
Bad aftertaste from the clinics:
& Quot; To the doctor did not want to & quot; - Here we are!

In my policy known what it means & quot; recruitment & quot; -
On his own skin doctor is not high.
Moka bread in milk.
Where is my hoodie?
Where is my drug, which can cause a dream?
A new variety of live weight is already on the plug.
It turned out to get something that was waiting for news?
While we will not nourish the meat changes
It's too late to say, in the hands of a subscription.
For people like us, it's not even out!
Rest assured, we will kill car exhaust,
Much earlier than deal with that canned!
Reference autopsy fill their hospital server.
Doc explains their families.
Doc announce the diagnosis.
Doc can tell you that want as & quot; the Lamb of God & quot ;!
He might even refer to it was the Buddha!
To the doctor did not want to, that's wonderful!

Chorus (Heat): (x2)
If aching ears from the sounds of percussion,
If you had a toothache, then in the course:
Bad aftertaste from the clinics:
& Quot; To the doctor did not want to & quot; - Here we are!

& Quot; You, you, he, they - sprains, we all crazy!
Seek communion through the roof,
I heard of such jumping.
Wait for tomorrow, we will bruise crop
Not wishing to express what you ponarozhali.
Do not marijuana, but ours pajamas with sleeves tail at, barbed wire!
Weed under heaps! And do not spud!
Himself twist fins.
You can easily to foam from his mouth, and brought down the formation!
When such visits, I met with her tea. & Quot;
& Quot; All the same herbal teas? All the exact same poison for the weak?
To the doctor I did not want to! & Quot;

Rem Digga:
I is not so, it's not for Malysheva.
I am wounded, podubity forever malozhivoy.
Ruin furs exchanged on a stack of stanzas.
And so many more dogs just are not in vain, one hundred pounds.
I do not need the iron I 'brother, but apples are needed.
And at the core cops put me, so cue.
The patient in any harassed them, the younger lot of hardships
Foods, which on God forgotten streets bulk.
Rewinding not an option years ago, where coma Roma
I rulila me and I had not seen life except Law.
I mangled tree, thank God, I was not on lomah of shit.
They killed a lot of friends Digginyh cereal drug towers.
We currently do not corpses alive alive.
We are not rude, Comrade Doctor, for a long time, so check you.
Is that on the ciphers, but without smoke.
Apples do not read and listen to Misha and Shyma.

Chorus (Heat): (x2)
If aching ears from the sounds of percussion,
If you had a toothache, then in the course:
Bad aftertaste from the clinics:
& Quot; To the doctor did not want to & quot; - Here we are!

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