Текст песни its my life эндшпиль

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Ты знаешь, в головном отсеке проблемы до кучи
Вдобавок судьба-шалава сказала: "Тяни жребий, салага"
И пока я отправил в небо последний корабль
Она присела рядом на фоне тающего снегопада.

Мы будто на Ямайке, мы будто бы парим
Твои маленькие Найки, ласкает их дым
Мы будто сняли sunshine, будто бы кино
Твои пальмы, мои горы. Я хочу тебя ещё

Мы будто на Ямайке, мы будто бы парим
Твои маленькие Найки, ласкает их дым
Мы будто сняли sunshine, будто бы кино
Твои пальмы, мои горы. Я хочу тебя ещё.

On incomprehensible huts
Eyes after a third shine hundreds of carats
Somewhere on the fifth is my dirty mouth guard
Apparently, this means something for the native square.

Ashes on the floor fell drafts of soulful songs
Drew inspiration from the damp steps of the porch
Where we were christened a gathering of mediocrity without ideas and goals
But we aim above minor opinions.

You know, in the main compartment of the problem to the heap
In addition, the fate-slut said: & quot; draw lots, foxfish & quot;
And while I sent the last ship to the sky
She sat down next to amid melting snow .

[Chorus: TumaniYO & amp; Endgame]
It's my life, my-my-ye! It's my life, my-my-ye!
It's my life, my-my-ye! It's my life, my-my-ye!
It's my life, my-my-ye! It's my life, my-my-ye!
It's my life, my-my-ye! It's my life, my-my-ye!
It’s my life

[Verse 2: Endgame]
My good babe shines brighter than the moon
My black friends around the perimeter of good
My songs are summer time, my life is my favorite vibe!
From the mist her cry. The tribe smokes and sings, e!

We are like in Jamaica, we seem to soar
Your little Nike, caresses their smoke
We seem to have shot sunshine, like a movie
Your palm trees, my mountains. I want you more

We are like in Jamaica, we seem to soar
Your little Nike, caresses their smoke
We seem to have shot sunshine, like a movie
Your palm trees, my mountains. I want you more .

[Chorus: TumaniYO & amp; Endgame]
It's my life, my-my-ye! It's my life, my-my-ye!
It's my life, my-my-ye! It's my life, my-my-ye!
It's my life, my-my-ye! It's my life, my-my-ye!
It's my life, my-my-ye! It's my life, my-my-ye!

It's my life, my-my-ye! It's my life, my-my-ye!
It's my life, my-my-ye! It's my life, my-my-ye!
It's my life, my-my-ye! It's my life, my-my-ye!

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