Текст песни ifk то что было реальным

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Я не гляжу в окно – меня достало давно
Жестокое кино – тупой и злой сюжет
Но мне досталась роль – и забывая боль
Я лезу в этот бой, командуя себе:

Меня достала жизнь – дешевостью понтов
Оскалами ментов и гопоты
Осколками зубов, заборами рогов
Камнями кулаков тупоголовой толпы

Меня достал пиздежь – тех от кого не ждешь
И безнадежность, что затянется петлей
Отчаянье готовит моим венам нож
Я чую гибель, но пока еще живой:

Я знаю – нелегко, оставшись одному
Стоять лицом к лицу и не уйти на дно
Я знаю – тяжело не отвернуть ебло
Когда тебя вот-вот зацепят по нему
Один не воин – так считает бык, ну да
Ведь сила их всегда – в количестве толпы
Сложней, когда один, не отступать, идти
Ведь первый шаг к свободе – выход из толпы

At the beginning of a new day - I'm drawn to puke
I am drawn to puke - at the beginning of each day
All that I can see - garbage ! All I hear is - garbage !
All that I feel - the same garbage again !

I stare out the window - I was sick for a long time
Ill movie - goofy and evil plot
But I got the role - and forgetting the pain
I climb into this fight , commanding me:

No retreat ! Do not give up !
Do not allow yourself to be weak - never!
Go to Otmakhov - resist !
Look at the world through the scope - and attack !

I got life - Cheap Ponte
Bared his cops and gopoty
Fragments of teeth, horns fences
Stone fists slow-witted crowd

I got bullshit - those from whom you do not expect
And hopelessness that drags loop
Despair preparing my veins knife
I smell death, but still alive :

I will fight ! Do not give up !
I will not submit myself never
Temptation to laziness, the pressure of fear
As long as I am alive - I will ATTACK !

I know - is not easy to be alone
Stand face to face and not go to the bottom
I know - hard not to turn away eblo
When you are about to will hook on it
One is safety - so says the bull , yes
After all, their strength is always - in the amount of crowd
More difficult when one is not to retreat, to go
After all, the first step to freedom - a way out of the crowd

No retreat ! Do not give up !
And not in the opinion of the herd vedis - never
Go to Otmakhov - resist !
Look at the world through the scope - and attack !

If you fly - hold on! If you fall - get up!
After all, who does not fall , and he did not fly
Seized in eblo - laughing blood will be erased !
If you are struggling - you're not lost
Life consists of battles and those who had not been bit -
All of this will - not to escape from life
So , Chagall - safely , because you long ago killed
But their chains that we do not lose

No retreat ! Do not give up !
Do not allow yourself to be weak - never!
Go to Otmakhov - resist !
Look at the world through the scope - and attack !

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