Текст песни гуляй поле

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

И не будет шуметь на рассвете
Хмель в твоей голове,
А только ветер,
Злой вольный ветер
В дикой степной траве.

Поле, Гуляй - Поле
Воля на всех одна
Играй Поле, Гуляй - Поле
Пей и гуляй до утра

На кожаных куртках и стенах
Начертан анархии знак,
Твой дух мы несем в наших венах
В руках черный флаг.

Поле, Гуляй - Поле
Воля на всех одна
Играй Поле, Гуляй - Поле
Пей и гуляй до утра

Пей и гуляй до утра..

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Все тексты Чёрный Обелиск >>>

Far away, where only the winds and herbs
There, where the trains do not go
The broken , burnt outpost
You'll stay forever, forever

And more bullets you will not get
And the law can ever find
Never, never get tired
Horses and gun

Golf , walking - Golf
Will at all one
Play Golf , walking - Golf
Drink and walked till morning

And good luck you will not lure
Dear to far distance
At the heart of sadness
Never cry
Do not moan in the shower sadness

I will not make noise at dawn
Hop in your head ,
And the wind ,
Angry free wind
In the wild steppe grass.

Golf , walking - Golf
Will at all one
Play Golf , walking - Golf
Drink and walked till morning

On leather jackets and walls
Inscribed anarchy sign,
Your spirit we carry in our veins
In the hands of a black flag .

Golf , walking - Golf
Will at all one
Play Golf , walking - Golf
Drink and walked till morning

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