Текст песни греза педиф

Обновлено: 15.01.2025

Труд, спорт, отдых. Предел физических возможностей.
Роды. Восстановление копчика.
Придумывание болезней.
Биологическое поле человека.

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Все тексты Подшивалов Г.Н. >>>

Preparation for pregnancy.
Calcium. Psychological peace.
Problems with teeth, hair, eyesight after childbirth.
Violations in the spine in newborns. Generic injuries.
Adult behavior with a child. Peace. Upbringing. Parents parents.
Conversations with a child, punishment.
Binding information at home and in kindergarten.
Preparation for school.
Teenage years.
Treatment of symptoms and search for sources of the disease.
Adhasi. Formation of a man and a woman.
Preparation for family life. Confessment.

Labor, sport, rest. Limit of physical capabilities.
Birth. Restoration of the tailbone.
Inventing diseases.
The biological field of a person.

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