Текст песни гимн семьи петр и феврония

Обновлено: 20.02.2025

1. Хрустальным голосом капели
Звенит ребячий смех чудесный,
И мать сидит у колыбели,
Дитя лаская тихой песней.

Author: Ilya Reznik

1. Crystal voice dripping
Rings childish laughter wonderful
And mother is sitting at the cradle,
A child caressing a quiet song.

And the house, sanctified by prayer,
It is open to all winds.
And teaches grandmother granddaughter
Words: Motherland, Mom, Temple!

Keep each other at all times.
Live in harmony and harmony.
And let your life be consecrated
The love of Peter and Fevronia!

2. Family - the love of the great kingdom.
In her faith, righteousness and strength.
The family is the backbone of the state
My country, my Russia.

The family is the original source,
A heavenly angel kept
And sadness, and joy, and sadness
Alone at all, inseparable!

Let repeat in generations
Blessed life days.
God bless, Lord, family hearth,
Love beloved guard!

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