Текст песни ctrl zzz

Обновлено: 21.02.2025

Добавлено в ответ на запрос Melanie Estrella POSHLAYA MOLLY: Топ 3 Комментарии пт, 05/06/2020 - 13:00 Vote has been deleted. пт, 05/06/2020 - 13:10

Hello, you don't claim to speak Russian, so how can you rate this translation?

пн, 08/06/2020 - 10:24

Because I requested this song to her and she was so KIND of doing it, so I though It was like a "THANK YOU"

пн, 08/06/2020 - 10:48

The button "Thanks!" is there for this exact purpose. Ratings are meant to show the value of a translation to users who don't speak the source language, not as a mean of thanking.

Laws of LT wrote:

Rating translations

Only rate translations if you know both the source language and target language.


You've been on LT for 5 years now, I'm honestly quite surprised to see you're not aware of such basic rules. So please, go read very thoroughly our rules and FAQ.

пн, 08/06/2020 - 11:41

I'm sorry I didn't know that, I must admit that I didn't read the rules, that was my biggest mistake since the day I came here, so I apologize. That's what I'm about to do right now.

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