Текст песни богушевской у нас в раю

Обновлено: 22.02.2025

There's no need to wait for the summer to know that there's happiness.

I won't wait for the summer to say that there's happiness.

I found out the secret: to hope, to dream

I don't need anybody. Not even you.

In our paradise, April comes with golden rays.

In our paradise, September comes with silver rain.

Here happiness is given to us in love as well as in pain.

And right now I feel so happy that I'm crying.

Be blessed, in our paradise a children's laugh is ringing,

In our paradise, there's the outside blossoming and the first snow.

Loyalty and betrayal, pain and passion, darkness and light –

There's everything here. But it's sais that there's no death.

In our paradise, June pours stars at nights.

In our paradise, November cries night and day.

Here happiness is given to us in love as well as in pain.

And right now I feel so happy that I'm crying.

The abyss is looking in silence at the flying lights.

Ah, heavenly Father, save us, preserve us.

On the edge of the last line, of the eternal life

I'll say : Leave me in paradise, in our paradise.

Because Spring has spillt there in streams again.

Because Winter comes again with those white lights.

Leave me in paradise, amidst love and sorrow.

I'll sing you everything I found out about it.

Добавлено purplelunacy в сб, 26/02/2011 - 13:27

Добавлено в ответ на запрос Маия Родионова

у нас в раю (u nas v rayu)

Переводы "у нас в раю (u nas v. "

Английский purplelunacy

Irina Bogushevskaya: Топ 3


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